Theses and Publications

Master's Degree Thesis in Computer Science and Networking (2020)

Title: A Bulk Synchronous Parallel pattern in FastFlow

A study on how to efficiently implement support for BSP algorithms in the context of FastFlow, a C++11 parallel programming framework. Various algorithmic skeletons are taken in consideration, and a number of commonly-used BSP algorithms are chosen as benchmarks for evaluating the performance of the implementation also w.r.t. other existing solutions like MulticoreBSP.

You can find the source code here:

Orlando Leombruni / master thesis · GitLab

Bachelor's Degree Thesis in Computer Science (2015)

Title: Lazy Evaluation in Functional Programming Languages

A dissertation on how lazy evaluation is achieved in modern functional languages, with a focus on Haskell.

Academic Publications

  • O. Leombruni et al., “Pattern-Matching Unit for Medical Applications,”, in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 2140-2145, Aug. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TNS.2021.3083894. Link to IEEE.